Calling all Teachers… New Zealand Needs You
With 4.5% unemployment in New Zealand, many sectors are finding it difficult to fill vacancies; the teaching profession being no exception. Hundreds of vacancies are listed with the NZ Education Gazette, with many posts remaining unfilled for months across the country.
With shortages worse in some areas than others, a variety of factors are to blame. But, whatever the reasons, the result of these shortages mean our children suffer, with increased class sizes and the potential for subjects being cut in some schools.
In pursuit of a solution, the discussion usually turns to money i.e. raise salaries and much of the problem/s can be alleviated. But with ongoing discussions between the Ministry of Education and the Teachers Union (NZEI) resulting in the NZEI calling for a strike in August, immediate agreement seems a little way off. However, regardless of if or when a consensus can be reached on the issue of salary levels, any agreement on remuneration won’t fix the short / medium term problem – NZ needs teachers now!
Of course, schools are aware of this and many have sought to recruit offshore; as is the government, which has implemented a ‘relocation grant’ for ex-pat and overseas teachers – 200 over the next 2 years.
But, although jobs in the teaching profession are plentiful, it can be a confusing, time consuming process for those not trained in NZ to obtain Education Council registration, and in many cases assessment of their qualifications; not to mention the labyrinth which is the Work visa process, which most will need to undergo prior to applying for residence (if that is what they desire).
We are currently working with a number of teachers (Early childhood – Secondary) in a range of jurisdictions, all of whom require registration prior to gaining employment. We assist in guiding applicants through the myriad of red tape involved, from qualification assessments with NZQA and registration with the Education Council, to Work and Residence visas applications.
If you require advice on any of the aspects mentioned above, whether you are half way through the process, or just starting out, don’t hesitate to give us a call to get a clear understanding of your options and what is involved.
Tim McSweeney